Assessment of the Water Quality of Selected Boreholes Close to a Dumpsite in Agbor Metropolis, Delta State, Nigeria

Dumpsite utilization for municipal solid waste disposal produces leachate which is a threat to groundwater resources. The study was aimed at determining the suitability of groundwater for drinking and domestic usages using physical, chemical and microbial indices, with a view to assessing the vulnerability of boreholes close to dumpsite to groundwater pollution. The results showed that except for pH and lead, the concentrations of other physico – chemical parameters were within acceptable limits of NSDWQ and WHO. Microbial parameters showed that the mean values for total coliform count; mesophilic count; Escherichia coli count and fungi count were above the NSDWQ and WHO standards for drinking water in all borehole locations. Water Quality Index (WQI) vales ranged from 4.15 to 5.54 an indication of excellent water quality in the study area, which is suitable for human consumption and use for other domestic purposes. The observed inconsistency in the spatial concentration pattern of water parameters in the study, suggest that the dumpsite is not a point source of groundwater pollution in the study area. However, there is need for improvement of public hygiene to minimize microbial contamination, improve public health and prevent outbreak of water borne diseases.

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