Cola nitida

Effect of Soil Types and Mechanical Scarification on the Germination and Seedling Growth of Cola nitida Schott & Endl.

The major problem in Cola propagation is related to seed germination and slow growth rate, hence this study was designed to ascertain the effect of soil types and mechanical scarification on the germination and seedling growth of Cola nitida. The experiment was a two factored experiment of 4 soil type (Topsoil, topsoil combined with carbonized sawdust (TSCSD), topsoil combined with river soil (TSRS) and River soil) and 2 scarification (Nicked and Whole seed) laid in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 replicates.

Effect of Soil Types and Mechanical Scarification on the Germination and Seedling Growth of Cola nitida Schott & Endl.

The major problem in Cola propagation is related to seed germination and slow growth rate, hence this study was designed to ascertain the effect of soil types and mechanical scarification on the germination and seedling growth of Cola nitida. The experiment was a two factored experiment of 4 soil type (Topsoil, topsoil combined with carbonized sawdust (TSCSD), topsoil combined with river soil (TSRS) and River soil) and 2 scarification (Nicked and Whole seed) laid in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 replicates.

Kola production and utilization for economic development

Kola is an important cash crop to a significant proportion of Nigerian population who are involved in kola farming, trading and industrial utilization. Research on the improvement of kola productivity and utilization is one of the major mandates of the Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN), where remarkable achievements have been made on kola. CRIN has developed improved Cola nitida hybrids with short maturation period of 5 years and an annual average yield of about 2000 nuts/tree/year.