Comparative Histomorphological Studies on the Thyroid Gland of Red Sokoto and Sahel Goats during Prenatal Period of Development

ABSTRACT: The present study was done to compare histological developmental features of the thyroid gland in Red Sokoto (RSG) and Sahel Goats (SG) during prenatal periods. A total of 90 fetuses and 60 postnatal heads and necks of the two breeds were used for the study.  Both periods were categorized into three age groups. The samples were collected and then subjected to routine histological staining method. The thyroid gland of all the fetuses, showed a well differentiated capsule in both breeds becoming more matured with advancement of age. The interfollicular connective tissue was sparse in the first trimester compared to the second and third trimesters. At the third trimester, the entire thyroid gland became fully differentiated into thyroid follicles filled with colloid especially in the SG. In the third trimester fetuses of both breeds, the thyroid gland showed both active and inactive thyroid follicles. These unusual follicles with stratified follicular epithelium were presumed to be ultimobranchial follicles. The C cells were noticed in the fetuses of the second and third trimesters. The current findings suggested possible high prenatal function of the thyroid gland of both |RSG and SG as early as second trimester in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. 

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