
Preys of Two Arboreal Frogs: Chiromantis rufescens and Leptopelis spiritusnoctis in Okomu National Park, Nigeria

A number of studies on the diets of anurans from Nigeria have been reported, however, there is a paucity of information on the diets of arboreal anuran species. Examination of the stomach contents of two arboreal frogs; Chiromantis rufescens and Leptopelis spiritusnoctis collected at Okomu National Park in Edo State revealed a total of nine prey taxa. The preys recorded belonged to eight insect orders (Coleoptera 48.98%, Crustacea 1.02%, Dictyoptera 3.06%, Diptera 5.10%, Hymenoptera 19.3%, Isoptera 1.02%, Lepidoptera 2.04% and Orthoptera 18.37%) and a mollusk (Gastropoda 1.02%).