Effects of Ingestion of Various Cassava (Manihot utilissima) Components on Serum Testosterone Level and Testicular Morphology in Male Wistar Rats

The effect of consumption of cassava by products on the testosterone level and testicular morphology of Wistar rats was studied. The objective was to assess any changes in the testosterone level and histology of the testis. Male rats (n=28) weighing between 165g-260g were randomly assigned (n=7 each) into control group and experimental groups. Experimental groups were given the normal rat chow with inclusion of 50% cassava by product daily for 8weeks. The control group received equal amount of normal rat chow without inclusion of cassava by products for 8weeks after which rats were sacrificed. Blood samples were collected into plain bottles for serum testosterone levels estimation. The testes were dissected for histological assessment. Findings showed that rats in the experimental groups showed a statistically significant decrease in weights and serum testosterone level relative to those in the control group (P < 0.05) with altered testicular morphology. Therefore, inclusion of 50% cassava components in diet may have adverse effect on the weight, serum testosterone levels and altered testicular morphology.

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