George Ezenwa Mbadiugha

Impact of Accumulation and Deposition of Some Heavy Metals in the Tissues of Leaves, Shoots and Roots of Paspalum scrobiculatum and Azonopus compressus

Paspalum scrobiculatum and Azonopus compressus were used to study the accumulation and deposition of lead in tissues of roots, rhizomes and leaves, as well as their impact on changes in the anatomy of their tissues. Four (4) kg of air dried soil was measured into Four (4) kg perforated plastic buckets. Waste engine oil was added to Four (4) kg different soil samples to obtain different concentrations on weight basis: 0% (control), 2%, 4%, 7% and 10% v/w oil-in-soil and allowed to stand for seven days before transplanting. The plants were harvested after 8 weeks of transplanting.