Biomarkers of Female Infertility: Exposure, Effect and Chemical Modification of Biomolecules

Female infertility is a health condition that affects the ability of woman to conceive over a period of continuous sexual intercourse. This condition has led to psychological and social anguish, anxiety, and depression resulting from hormonal impairment, disease infection, oxidative stress, xenobiotics, environmental pollutants, and other factors. Need to say, extensive studies on the biomarkers for female infertility are still in the developmental stage in reproductive medicine to unravel remedies based on improved technologies. In this review, we have reported some potential biomarkers responsible for female infertility, captured and documented recent biomarkers of effect in female infertility arising from exposures to diverse environmental toxicants and highlighted the progress in assisted reproduction technologies (ART) towards averting the societal consequences arising from female infertility.

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