Effects of Ethanolic Leaf Extract of Phyllanthus Amarus (Schum Aand Thonn) on Ovarian Morphology and Reproductive Parameters in Wistar Rats

The study was conducted for eight weeks to investigate the effects of 250mg/kg body weight of ethanolic leaf extract of Phyllanthus amarus on the morphology and reproductive functions of the ovary. Twenty-eight (28) adult female Wistar rats were categorized into four groups of seven rats each (n=7) with A (control), B (to assess implantation and resorption), C (to assess the litters), and D (to assess the effects on ovarian features and functions. Male adult rats of proven virility were mated with the female rats of groups B and C. Collected blood samples were used for assay of the following hormones, oestrogen, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, progesterone and prolactin. The uterus was assessed for resorption, implantation and litters and the ovary was processed for morphological changes. The results revealed no significant difference (p>0.05) in the body and organ weight between the experimental groups and the control. None of the rats in groups B and C treated with the extract of P. amarus got pregnant; hence no implantation, resorption and litters were seen. There were significant difference (p0.05) in the levels of prolactin between the groups. The histoarchitectural pattern of the extract-treated ovary revealed impaired folliculogenesis evidenced by scanty ovarian follicles with atretic changes and degenerative changes in the ovarian stroma. The findings generally confirm the anti-fertility effects of P. amarus on ovarian morphology and functions.

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