
Solid acid catalysts in heterogeneous n-alkanes hydroisomerisation for increasing octane number of gasoline

As the current global environmental concerns have prompted regulations to reduce the level of aromatic compounds, particularly benzene and its derivatives in gasoline, hydroisomerisation of n-alkanes is becoming a major alternative for enhancing octane number. Series of solid acid catalysts comprising of Freidel crafts, zirconias, MoO3-based (MOB), chlorinated Al2O3, heteropoly acids and bifunctional zeolite based catalysts have been tested in this respect.

Characterisation of Hydrocarbon Pollutants in Soils from Selected Areas in Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria

The concentration, distribution and sources of petroleum hydrocarbons in soils from selected areas in Abraka, Delta State, were evaluated. Soil samples were collected from areas suspected to be contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons, which were also in proximity to human population. These areas included busy junctions, generator maintenance workshops, suya joint, drainage and fuel stations. Samples were extracted using nhexane/dichloromethane mixture and quantified using gas chromatograph-flame ionization detector.

Characterisation of Hydrocarbon Pollutants in Soils from Selected Areas in Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria

The concentration, distribution and sources of petroleum hydrocarbons in soils from selected areas in  Abraka, Delta State, were evaluated. Soil samples were collected from areas suspected to be contaminated with  petroleum hydrocarbons, which were also in proximity to human population. These areas included busy junctions, generator maintenance workshops, suya joint, drainage and fuel stations. Samples were extracted using nhexane/dichloromethane mixture and quantified using gas chromatograph-flame ionization detector.