
Proximate Composition and Mineral Contents of the Flesh and Shell of Tympanotonus Fuscatus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Gastropoda: Potamididae) of the Cross River, Nigeria

Tympanotonus fuscatus var .radula (L) is a species of periwinkle living in the black mud of the mangrove swamp forest along the brackish water mangrove swamp forest area of the West Africa rivers and in the Cross river in Nigeria. The proximate and mineral contents of it flesh and shell were investigated using techniques recommended by AOAC. The moisture, crude protein, ash, fat contents of the flesh were 50.00 mg/100gm, 22.32mg/100gm, 1.22 mg/100gm, and 10.02 mg/100gm respectively.

Comparative Proximate, Vitamins, Minerals and Phytochemical Analysis of Cola rostrata K. Schum. and Cola parchycarpa K. Schum

Cola rostrata and Cola parchycarpa are under-utilized indigenous kola plants, known as achicha by the Igbo natives in Nigeria, whose fruit pulps are edible and tasty. The proximate, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals constituent of the fruit epicarp, fruit pulp and seed of C. rostrata and C. parchycarpa were evaluated using standard analytical laboratory procedures. The results revealed that C. rostrata and C. parchycarpa fruit pulps contained high moisture contents (56.56 % and 58.83 %) and carbohydrates (31.30 % and 55.39 %) respectively.