Testes Histo-Morphological Changes in Laboratory Rats, Rattus norvegicus, Exposed to Various Spectral of Artificial Light at Night (ALAN)

Exposure to various spectral of light at night is presently inevitable, hence the need to examine its spectral effect on male reproductive function. This study aimed at evaluating the periodical change in testicular histomorphology of albino rats exposed to various lights spectral {Blue (BL), Green (GL), Yellow (YL), Red (RL), and White (WL)} at night for 126 days. Compact fluorescence bulbs, 11 watts, maintained at 300 Lux, were used. At d63, d91, and d126, four rats per treatment were euthanized and the testes removed, weighed, and fixed in 10 % formalin for histological examination. Testicular weight (TW) was significant (p < 0.05) with the highest values under BL at d63, d91, and d126. Rats exposed to YL had the least significant (p < 0.05) TW at day 126. TW increased significantly (p < 0.05) under GL and significantly reduced (p < 0.05) under YL considering the difference between d63 and d126. Non-specific atrophic degeneration of seminiferous tubules was observed under darkness with age. Evidence of displacement and degeneration of the spermatogonia was observed under YL. Exposure to YL and darkness appeared to cause a threat to reproduction as BL and GL to enhance male reproductive function in the albino rats.

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