
Habitat Selection by Gray-Backed Camaroptera (Camaroptera brachyuran) at the Amurum Forest Reserve, Nigeria

Camaroptera brachyura is common and widespread but not much has been done to understand its habitat requirements. This study was carried out at the Amurum Forest Reserve located on the Jos-Plateau, Plateau State (9°53´N, 8°59´E), Nigeria. Located in Laminga village, 15 km Northeast of Jos at an altitude of 1,280 m above sea level and covering an area of about 300 hectares of land. C. brachyura were counted using line transect of 200 m each laid on existing foot tracks and access road traversing the study area. Quadrats of 10 m x 10 m square were laid at the locations where C.

Effect of Municipal Dumpsite on Vegetation and Soil

Comparative assessment of the soil and vegetation in a municipal dumpsite at Iguomo, Benin City, Nigeria at different distances from the dumpsite was carried out. An area of 30m2 was marked out and divided into three plots of 10 m2 each and these were designated as plots A, B and C. An area of 10 m2 was also taken at a distance of 100m away from the dumpsite, it served as the control plot or plot D. Population sampling was done to determine the species diversity across the plots. Soil samples were collected from each plot and microbial and physico-chemical analyses were carried out.

An Assessment of the Effect of Automobile Emmission on Selected Roadside Vegetation

Comparative phytoassessment of some selected vegetation exposed to automobile emission along Sapele road, Benin City, Nigeria at different distances from the road was carried out. Three plots (100 cm2 in area) were mapped out at intervals of 10 m away from the road to serve as treatment plots. The plots were designated as A (0 m – 10 m), B (10 m – 20 m) and C (20 m – 30 m) and a fourth plot was the control (100 m – 110 m) plot. Three plants, Sida acuta, Sida garckeana and Mariscus alternifolius; were selected for physiological studies as they were common to all the plots.
