Vol 16, No 3 ,2015 , African Scientist

Salinity variations and distribution of Copepoda:Crustacea in the Lagos harbour system

: The copepoda (crustacea) of Lagos harbour system was studied from October 2002 to September 2003. Eighteen copepod species were identified, three of which are being recorded in Nigeria for the first time. Thesze are: Temora, Corycaeus and macrostella species. The copepods comprise of three assemblages, namely: the brackish/marine assemblage, the brackish assemblage and the brackish/freshwater assemblage. Salinity values varied from 33.40% at Lagos harbour to 0.40% at Badagry.


First record of the Ectoparasite Salmincola species (Crustacea) from Nigeria water body

Plankton sampling and investigation of the Lagos harbour, some adjourning creeks and rivers was carried out using plankton, nets of 55µm and 100µm mesh sizes. Yewa river which is located between Lat. 6°25’ – 6°30’N and Long. 2°50’ – 2°55’E was one of the sampling, stations with salinity values ranging from 0.17 – 0.43% for the 8 months of sampling period, indicating a constant freshwater condition. In the course of analysis and identification of the copepoda, Salmincola species which is an ectoparasite of fish was found, and this is its first record from Nigeria water body


Provenance and palaeoenvironment of the lower KerriKerri formation around Biri Fulani, North-Eastern Nigeria

The Kerri-Kerri formation Around Biri Fulani in North-eastern Nigeria is made up of reddish, modertaley well sorted, quartz arenites that are large scale cross-bedded. Field studies and laboratory analyses were conducted on these sediments to determine their depositional environments. Sieve analysis of sediments in the area of study showed that the sandstones within the Kerri-Kerri Formation are very leptokurtic and strongly fine-skewed. The sediments are texturally submature and mineralogically mature with angular to subrounded grains thus suggesting a moderate degree of reworking.

The Genetic Potential of the Nutritive Value of Beniseed (Sesamum indicum L.)

Seeds from 15 cultivars of beniseed grown in a southern guinea savanna agro-ecology were evaluated for their mineral composition as well as their physico-chemical characterization. Average percentage crude protein (15.40), crude fat (53.27), crude fibre (6.10), ash (2.33) and Nitrogen free extract (16.61) compare favourably with those of groundnut as a reference crop. However mineral composition are fairly similar in all the cultivars with calcium being the most abundant in two varieties (85-3-1 and T-4).

Integrity testing and toxicity of three dispersants to Chironomous transvaalensis Keiffer (Diptera:Chironomidae)

In-depth integrity testing of three dispersants: Corexit 9572, NalcoD4106 and Goldcrew was carried out to determine key physical characteristics of the dispersants and toxicity to the larvae of Chironomous transvaalensis Keiffer (Diptera:Chironomidae). The result revealed that Corexit 9527 and Goldcrew maintained their integrity while NalcoD4106 on the other hand deteriorated in storage. Static bioassay conducted to determine the 96hr LC50for the dispersants against the insect species showed that Corexit 9572 was the least toxic followed by Goldcrew and Nalco D4106.

Seasonality in some tropical harpacticoid copepods (Crustacea) from West African coastal river

Studies on the occurrence and seasonality of some harpacticoid copepods (crustacean) from a West African coastal river were carried out. An all year round sampling was made to cover the twelve months of the year, using plankton nets of 55µm and 100µm mesh sizes. Three species of harpacticoid copepods were identified, namely: Nannopus palustris, Diarthrodes cf major and Bryocampus minutes. While Nannopus palustris showed peaks in the dry season months of January and February, Diarthrodes cf major and Bryocamptus minutes showed peaks in the rainy season months of July and August.


Nematicidal potential of some indigenous plant extracts against root-knot nematode on cacao

The effect extract of Ocimum gratisimum L., Carica papaya, Azadirachta indica A. Juss, Vernonia amygdalina and Bixa orellana L. on pathogenicity and reproduction of Meloidogyne incognita race 3, the causal organism of the root-knot disease of cacao was investigated in the greenhouse. Leaf extracts were prepared by blending and filtration of 25g of chopped leaves in 100ml of distilled water. Each cocoa seedling in a naturally infested soil received 40ml water extract of the leaves. Nematode populations were reduced by the application of the extracts in a descending order of A. indica, B.

Influence of Neem-fortified cocoa pod husks soil amendment on Meloidogyne incognita in cocoa.

An investigation was undertaken to assess the effect of Neem-fortified Cocoa pod husks soil amendment against the root-knot disease caused by Meloidogyne ingonita on cacao seedlings, Theobroma cacao L. cv. F3 Amazon. Cocoa pod husks (CPH), combined use of Neem leaves and CPH, and Neem seeds plus CPH decreased the number of juveniles and galling due to Meloidogyne incognita. The greatest decrease was obtained with Neem seed-fortified cocoa pod husks with a corresponding increase in the plant growth.

Allometric indices of Chromidotilapia guentheri (Sauvage 1882), Tilapia mariae (Boulenger 1899) and Tilapia zillii (Gervais 1848) of the Osse River, Southern Nigeria

Three cichlids, Chromidotilopia guentheri, Tilapia mariae and T. zilli were collected from the Osse River at Ikoro and examined for length frequency distribution and length weight relationships (LWR). The mean length and weight were 11.05±0.35cm and 51.75±5.63g for Chromidotilapia guentheri, 13.57±0.54cm and 124.67±17.54g for T. mariae and 17.45±0.69cm and 232.92±28.01g for T. zilli. The length frequency distributions for C. guentheri presented a slightly positively skewed distribution with modal length being 10.0 - 10.9cm size class. T.


Some limnological studies of an aquatic habitat used for fishing and irrigation in Ngala, Borno State, Nigeria

The limnological characteristics of the aquatic habitat were studied with special emphasis on water temperature, calcium hardness and chlorine levels as they affect the abundance of Bulinus globosus and Bulinus forskali on one hand and their interfactorial effects on the other. The single regression analysis showed that calcium hardness was the only factor that showed direct significant (P<0.05) positive effect on abundance of B. globosus and B. forskali. Similarly, water temperature was significantly (P<0.05) negatively correlated with chlorine and calcium hardness levels.