Bello Ridwan

The Effectiveness of Combined Ethanol Root Extract of Terminalia avicennioides, Terminalia superba and Seeds of Hunteria umbellata on Paroxetine-Induced Erectile Dysfunction in Male Wistar Rats

Erectile dysfunction (ED) has posed problems among several married couples. This study evaluated the efficacy of combined ethanol root extracts of Terminalia avicennioides, Terminalia superba and seeds of Hunteria umbellata on Paroxetine-induced erectile dysfunction in male Wistar rats. Fresh roots of plants were collected, pulverized, extracted with 70% ethanol, dried in an oven at 400C and subjected to phytochemical screening. The plants were mixed in a ratio of 1:1:1; T. superba and T. avicennioides (TASM) mixed; T. superba, T. avicennioides and H. umbellata (TASHM) mixed.