
Preliminary studies on the genetic nutritive potential of three African oil seeds

Three african oil seeds of soyabean (Glycine max L. Merill) Beniseed (Sesamu indicum L. ) and melon (Cucumis melo L. ) were evaluated as potential oil seeds in a southern guinea savannah agro-eosystems, using soyabean as a standard reference crop. Experimental techniques included approved Association of Official Analytical Chemist (AOAC1984) for proximate analysis, kjedahl for protein estimate and soxlet extraction using petroleum spirit as a solvent for l content.


The Genetic Potential of the Nutritive Value of Beniseed (Sesamum indicum L.)

Seeds from 15 cultivars of beniseed grown in a southern guinea savanna agro-ecology were evaluated for their mineral composition as well as their physico-chemical characterization. Average percentage crude protein (15.40), crude fat (53.27), crude fibre (6.10), ash (2.33) and Nitrogen free extract (16.61) compare favourably with those of groundnut as a reference crop. However mineral composition are fairly similar in all the cultivars with calcium being the most abundant in two varieties (85-3-1 and T-4).