Drug resistance

Parasite Gene Expression and Evidence of Emerging Lonart Resistant Falciparum Malaria Infection in Patients in Benin Metropolis, South-South, Nigeria

This study investigated the possible emergence of Plasmodium falciparum malaria resistance to Lonart, a drug used in the treatment of malaria. The expression of the PFK13 gene, known for its association with resistance to artemisinin, was examined. One hundred patients who had a relapse of malaria, after treating with Lonart, were recruited for this study. The patients were treated with Quinine following their relapse.

Drug resistant enterobacteria in drinking water supplies of Kano State, Nigeria

Drinking water sources are epidemiologically suspected as one of the major transmission agents for pathogenic and perhaps drug resistant Enterobacteria. Accordingly, in the period October, 1995 – September, 1996, water samples as were available from tap, borehole, well, dams and rivers in randomly selected 19 Local Government areas of Kano State were screened for these bacteria. 1201 isolates comprising Citrobacter sp. (16.91%); Enterobacter aerogenes (14.99%); Klebsiella sp. (10.24%); Proteus sp. (9.58%); Shigella sp. (9.49%); Escherichia coli (8.24%); Salmonellae (7.99%) and Vibrio sp.


Drug resistant enterobacteria in drinking water supplies of Kano State, Nigeria

Drinking water sources are epidemiologically suspected as one of the major transmission agents for pathogenic and perhaps drug resistant Enterobacteria. Accordingly, in the period October, 1995 – September, 1996, water samples as were available from tap, borehole, well, dams and rivers in randomly selected 19 Local Government areas of Kano State were screened for these bacteria. 1201 isolates comprising Citrobacter sp. (16.91%); Enterobacter aerogenes (14.99%); Klebsiella sp. (10.24%); Proteus sp. (9.58%); Shigella sp. (9.49%); Escherichia coli (8.24%); Salmonellae (7.99%) and Vibrio sp.
