A. Galadima*

Spectroscopic investigation of heavy metals in waste water from University students’ halls of residence

Although there is increased global concern on sustainable environmental and human health management, the African countries are still unserious which should not be the case considering the potential consequences of harmful chemicals discharge into our environment from domestic and other anthropogenic activities. We are therefore reporting in this paper a spectroscopic assessment of heavy metals in wastewater generated from students’ halls of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, Nigeria.

Supported MoO3 catalysts in petroleum refining

The exploitation of supported metals and metallic oxides catalysts is increasingly becoming an issue of special interest in the petroleum industry. This is consistent with necessary need for mitigating separation, recycling and reusability problems coupled with increased production costs associated with free metals, unsupported or homogeneous catalyst systems.


Solid acid catalysts in heterogeneous n-alkanes hydroisomerisation for increasing octane number of gasoline

As the current global environmental concerns have prompted regulations to reduce the level of aromatic compounds, particularly benzene and its derivatives in gasoline, hydroisomerisation of n-alkanes is becoming a major alternative for enhancing octane number. Series of solid acid catalysts comprising of Freidel crafts, zirconias, MoO3-based (MOB), chlorinated Al2O3, heteropoly acids and bifunctional zeolite based catalysts have been tested in this respect.