An Assessment of Morphological Characteristics of Kenaf in Response to Some Organic Cultural Interventions

Field trials were conducted during the rainy season of 2011 and 2012. The main objective of the study was to investigate the possibility of increasing the productivity of Kenaf under organic conditions. Organic manure (Mucuna pruriens, compost manure, and control), sowing distances (15 and 30cm) and number of seed per stand (2 and 4 plant per hill) were factorially combined (3×2×2) to obtain twelve factorial treatment combinations. The treatments were arranged in a split- plot design with the 3 fertility method as the main plots and the factorial combinations of number of plants per stand and spacing as the sub-plot treatments. Data was subjected to ANOVA. Means were separated using LSD at p ≥ 0.05. Results obtained show that, spacing increased DMY, height at the first branch, plant height and stem width diameter of kenaf. Establishing 4 kenaf seedlings per stand also significantly (p ≥ 0.05) increased DMY, height at the first branch, and plant height and stem width diameter of kenaf except in plant height where the establishment of 2 plants per stand produced taller plants. Compost manure proved superior to mucuna in its effect on all the yield parameters observed, while mucuna ranked second. It was suggested that compost manure apart from being richer in its nutrient composition, contains some useful microbes that are beneficial in soil nutrition. Compost and mucuna further augment soil organic matter and consequently, the water retaining capacity of the soil. It was recommended that compost manure combined with suitable agronomic practices like plant spacing and number of seeds per stand will enhance organic kenaf production

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