*B.A. Omogbai

Production of Single Cell Protein with Three Agro-Shell Wastes Using Bacillus subtilis

In this study, Bacillus subtilis isolated from decaying pineapple fruit peel was identified by both phenotypic and molecular techniques and employed for the production of single cell protein from three agricultural wastes: melon, groundnut and walnut shells. Chemical analysis showed these agro-wastes to contain high amounts of carbohydrate which ranged from 61.26 - 65.12 %. Using submerged fermentation, maximum yield of cell biomass was produced from the groundnut shell followed by melon shell as substrate for fermentation.


Molecular Characterization of Bacteria Associated with the Spontaneous Fermentation of Bambara Nut in “Ogirri”

Fermentation is one of the oldest methods of food preservation known to man. Oil seeds and legumes have been fermented to give condiments. Molecular characterization of the bacteria associated with the spontaneous fermentation of Bambara nut (Vigna subterranea) seeds into “Ogirri” was carried out. Vigna subterranea seeds were subjected to pre-treatments of soaking and boiling and spontaneously fermented in 3 setups for a period of 96 h at 28±2 0C to yield ogirri product.