
Reproductive and Phenotypic Indices among the Haplotypes of Clarias gariepinus (Buchell, 1822) From Rivers Benue and Donga, Nigeria

The study on reproductive and phenotypic indices of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) haplotype from Rivers Benue and Donga, Nigeria was carried out from February - May 2021, to evaluate phenotypic and production indices among the genetic groups of African catfish (C. gariepinus). Sixty (60) matured samples of C. gariepinus of different sizes were bought from artisanal fisherfolks. Fish samples were utilised for the molecular analysis and also were assessed for reproductive and phenotypic indices in the genotypes.

Comparative Histomorphological Studies on the Thyroid Gland of Red Sokoto and Sahel Goats during Prenatal Period of Development

ABSTRACT: The present study was done to compare histological developmental features of the thyroid gland in Red Sokoto (RSG) and Sahel Goats (SG) during prenatal periods. A total of 90 fetuses and 60 postnatal heads and necks of the two breeds were used for the study.  Both periods were categorized into three age groups.