
Protocol for directed differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells toward a hepatocyte fate

The directed differentiation of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) or human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) into hepatocytes could facilitate a rational study of the molecular mechanisms underlying human liver development as well as provide a renewable source of exogenous hepatocytes for drug toxicity testing and cell-based therapeutics. Moreover, if hepatocytes were produced from hiPSCs originating from patients with inborn errors of hepatic metabolism, such cells could be used for modeling liver disease.

Epigenetic Mechanisms Controlling Mesodermal Specification

The pluripotency of embryonic stem (ES) cells is the result of a highly dynamic equilibrium that is controlled by a complex network of transcription factors that confer unique transcriptional properties to ES cells. Regulation of gene expression appears to correlate with the presence of dual chromatin marks called bivalent domains at the promoters of poised developmental genes. These marks keep differentiation genes silenced but poised and ready to be activated or permanently repressed during differentiation.

Microbiological quality and safety of smoked fish from Kainji Lake area

Microbiological qualities of 32 samples of smoked fish belonging to 4 species of fish namely: Clarias gariepinus, Oreochromis niloticus, Citharinus citharus and Synodontis membranaceous; from four (4) local markets (Monday Market, Sabo Market, Malale Market, Awuru Market) were studied. In most samples, moisture contents were high, 53.12% of the fish samples have moisture content above 30% level. The smoked samples were dominated by gram-positive bacteria however, potential pathogens, coagulase positive staphylococci, and Escherichia coli were isolated from some of the samples.

Common indications for upper gastro-intestinal tract endoscopy in ECWA Hospital, Egbe, Nigeria: A preliminary report

Upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy is a visual examination of the upper intestinal tract using a lighted, flexible fibreoptic or videoscope. Common reasons for upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy include ulcers (benign and malignant), intestinal bleeding, oesophagitis and heartburn, gastritis etc. This study is therefore to examine the common indications for upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy at ECWA hospital, Egbe. Kogi state.

Bacterial flora associated with some stages of Burukutu production

‘Burukutu’ which is an indigenous alcoholic drink has been shown to be rich in bacterial diversity, with a total of thirteen (11) bacterial species isolated from the three stages of production (namely: steeping, mashing and maturation) sampled from two different selling points in Ilorin, metropolis. The bacterial species isolated are Streptococcus sp; Lactobacillus sp; Bacillus sp; Pseudomonas sp; Klebsiella sp; Staphylococcus sp; Enterococcus sp; Escherichia coli; Proteus sp; Leuconostoc sp and Micrococcus sp.


Seasonality in some tropical harpacticoid copepods (Crustacea) from West African coastal river

Studies on the occurrence and seasonality of some harpacticoid copepods (crustacean) from a West African coastal river were carried out. An all year round sampling was made to cover the twelve months of the year, using plankton nets of 55µm and 100µm mesh sizes. Three species of harpacticoid copepods were identified, namely: Nannopus palustris, Diarthrodes cf major and Bryocampus minutes. While Nannopus palustris showed peaks in the dry season months of January and February, Diarthrodes cf major and Bryocamptus minutes showed peaks in the rainy season months of July and August.
