Preliminary Studies on Physostigma venenosum (Balf.) Seeds: Mineral Composition, Proximate and Phytochemical Analysis

Physostigma venenosum Balf., known as Calabar beans (Fabaceae family) is a very poisonous plant with reported therapeutic properties. Many studies have shown its use in medicine for eye problems, glaucoma, constipation, epilepsy, cholera, hypertension and tetanus. In this study, quantitative phytochemistry, proximate analysis and mineral constituents of the ethanol extracts of Physostigma venenosum seeds were investigated using standard analytical chemical procedures. Phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of secondary metabolites like alkaloids, saponins, tannins, oxalate and phytate with their corresponding values as 96.11, 1.08, 2.16, 36.56 and 12.8 mg/100g respectively. Proximate analysis was carried out to determine the nutrient contents of the sample. The results revealed the following data: crude lipid (3.21 %), crude fibre (4.08 %), crude protein (70.88 %), ash (6.04 %) and carbohydrate (13.85 %). Various minerals were present with high concentrations of sodium, calcium and potassium contents. It can be deduced from the results of this study that P. venenosum contained appreciable amounts of phytochemicals, nutrients and minerals that aid its medicinal properties.

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