Reproductive and Phenotypic Indices among the Haplotypes of Clarias gariepinus (Buchell, 1822) From Rivers Benue and Donga, Nigeria

The study on reproductive and phenotypic indices of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) haplotype from Rivers Benue and Donga, Nigeria was carried out from February - May 2021, to evaluate phenotypic and production indices among the genetic groups of African catfish (C. gariepinus). Sixty (60) matured samples of C. gariepinus of different sizes were bought from artisanal fisherfolks. Fish samples were utilised for the molecular analysis and also were assessed for reproductive and phenotypic indices in the genotypes. The phenotypic identity and production indices of the male specimens of the haplotype 1 and 3 from river Benue. Significant differences (p< 0.05) occurred in mean weight, standard length and dorsal ray counts, while head length and number of anal fin ray counts of the haplotype 1 and haplotype 3 phenotypes were similar. The male specimens of the haplotype 1 and 3 from river Donga. Significant differences (p< 0.05) occurred in all the body morphology. On the gonadal morphological traits, gonads weight is significant while gonads length and number of gonadal teeth are not significant. The female specimens of the haplotype 1 and 3 from river Benue significant differences (p< 0.05) occurred in all body morphology. Among the egg production indices are significantly different, while latency period, weight of stripped eggs, number of egg/1g weight and incubation period are similar among the haplotypes while the female specimens of the haplotype 1 and 3 from river Donga. Significant differences (p<0.05) occurred in all the body morphology. All gonadal morphological traits are significant. Among the egg production indices are significantly different, while latency period, number of egg/1g weight and incubation period are similar among the haplotypes. Compared haplotypes among C. gariepinus genetic group have potential for more egg production at similar body weights and is important for the hatchery production of the catfish, as the observed variation would influence breeding programming and subsequent level of success.
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