Spectroscopic investigation of heavy metals in waste water from University students’ halls of residence

Although there is increased global concern on sustainable environmental and human health management, the African countries are still unserious which should not be the case considering the potential consequences of harmful chemicals discharge into our environment from domestic and other anthropogenic activities. We are therefore reporting in this paper a spectroscopic assessment of heavy metals in wastewater generated from students’ halls of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, Nigeria. The analysed samples showed mean concentrations (ppm) range of 6.40-14.80, 0.40-1.83, 0.001-0.005, 0.001-0.005 and 0.55-2.09 for Fe, Cr, Cd, Ni and Pb respectively. When compared with the maximum allowed limits set by World Health Organisation (WHO) for drinking water, the samples are heavily contaminated with Fe, Cr and Pb. This accounts for potential pollution risks, requiring attention from appropriate agencies.

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