Haematological and Histopathological Effects of Justicia carnea (Jehovah's Witness Plant)

Justicia carnea is a medicinal plant used widely in Nigeria as a blood-booster. The toxicity of the extracts of J. carnea was carried out to evaluate its haematological and histopathological effects on Wistar albino rats. The aqueous and ethanol extracts used for this study were obtained using the Soxhlet extraction method. A total of fifteen (15) rats in five treatment groups were used for this study. Different concentrations of the leaf extracts were administered to the animals for fourteen (14) days, after which they were observed for mortality and toxicity.

Proximate Composition and Mineral Contents of the Flesh and Shell of Tympanotonus Fuscatus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Gastropoda: Potamididae) of the Cross River, Nigeria

Tympanotonus fuscatus var .radula (L) is a species of periwinkle living in the black mud of the mangrove swamp forest along the brackish water mangrove swamp forest area of the West Africa rivers and in the Cross river in Nigeria. The proximate and mineral contents of it flesh and shell were investigated using techniques recommended by AOAC. The moisture, crude protein, ash, fat contents of the flesh were 50.00 mg/100gm, 22.32mg/100gm, 1.22 mg/100gm, and 10.02 mg/100gm respectively.

Effect of Xylopia aethiopica Fruit Extract on Liver Functions in Pregnant Female Wistar Rats

This study investigated the influence of aqueous fruit extract of Xylopia aethiopica on the liver function in apparently healthy pregnant Wistar rats. Twenty Wistar rats weighing 140-210 g were divided into four groups (n = 5). Group 1 was the control group and received only distilled water orally, while groups 2, 3 and 4 served as the test groups and each received orally 250 mg/kg, 500 mg/kg, and 1000 mg/kg of the aqueous extract, respectively for 7 days from Day 7 of pregnancy to Day 14.

Effect of Hair Dressing Salon Effluent on the Juveniles of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus)

The toxicity of hair dressing salon effluent on Clarias gariepinus juveniles was studied using static bioassay method. This study investigated haematological, histopathological and biochemical changes in Clarias gariepinus juveniles. The fish samples were distributed randomly into T1 (800 ml/L), T2 (600 ml/L), T3 (400 ml/L), T4 (200 ml/L), and T5 control (water alone). All samples were studied in three replicates, in a completely randomized experiment. Mortality increased with  increased effluent concentrations; 250.96 ml/L was recorded as LC50 for 96 h.

Effect of Hair Dressing Salon Effluent on the Juveniles of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus)

Department of Zoology and Environmental Biology, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State

Arachis hypogaea Seeds Reduced Glucose Metabolism in Colon of Rats Exposed to 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine

The aim of this study was to ascertain the effects of peanut diet supplementation on glucose metabolism in rats exposed to 1, 2-dimethylhydrazine. Lactate dehydrogenase and glucose -6-phosphate dehydrogenase activities were used as indices for glucose metabolism. Eighty-four rats of both sexes were used for this study and were divided into seven groups of 6 rats each. 1, 2- dimethylhydrazine (DMH) was administered subcutaneously at a dose of 25 mg/kg body weight.Group A rats were maintained on rat feed, group B rats were maintained on rat feed and administered DMH once weekly for 12 weeks.

Arachis hypogaea Seeds Reduced Glucose Metabolism in Colon of Rats Exposed to 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine Open Primary tabs configuration options Primary tabs

Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Benin, Edo State, Nigeria

Self-Reported Health Effects and Risk Factors Associated with Noise Exposure among Auto-Mechanic Workers in Abeokuta Town, Nigeria

This study was conducted to determine the noise exposure level and the association between self-reported health effects and risk factors among workers in auto mechanic workshops in Abeokuta town, Nigeria. Noise levels were measured at selected auto mechanic sites. A cross-sectional study was also conducted among fifty workers using a wellstructured questionnaire across the sampling sites. The recorded noise level in the morning and afternoon ranged between 61.3 - 75.8 dB and 70.4 and 86.4dB respectively.

Consequences of Hydro-Priming Cola parchycarpa K. Schum. and Cola rostrata K. Schum. Seeds

Hydro-priming is an important seed treatment technique for rapid seed germination. Cola species exhibits long and uneven germination. Hence this study was aimed at investigating the effect of hydro-priming durations on the germination and seedling growth of Cola parchycarpa and Cola rostrata. Five treatments (hydro-priming durations of 0 hour, 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours and 96 hours) were used and the experiment was laid out in a completely randomized design (CRD) with 6 replicates each. In C.

Comparative Proximate, Vitamins, Minerals and Phytochemical Analysis of Cola rostrata K. Schum. and Cola parchycarpa K. Schum

Cola rostrata and Cola parchycarpa are under-utilized indigenous kola plants, known as achicha by the Igbo natives in Nigeria, whose fruit pulps are edible and tasty. The proximate, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals constituent of the fruit epicarp, fruit pulp and seed of C. rostrata and C. parchycarpa were evaluated using standard analytical laboratory procedures. The results revealed that C. rostrata and C. parchycarpa fruit pulps contained high moisture contents (56.56 % and 58.83 %) and carbohydrates (31.30 % and 55.39 %) respectively.

Combination of Aspartame and Acesulfame Potassium Does not Alter Blood Glucose, Lipids and Cytokines of Female Rats

 The use of combination of artificial sweeteners, most importantly aspartame (E951) and acesulfame potassium (E950) in foods, beverages and other products is on the increase despite reports on their side effects. This study investigated the effects of combination of tolerable daily dose of both aspartame and acesulfame-k on blood glucose, lipids and cytokines of female Wistar rats. Twenty-five female Wister rats weighing 90.7±8.1 g were randomly assigned into five groups.

Assessment of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH) Status and Water Qualities Using Physicochemical and Bacteriological Indices at Automobile Spare-Parts Markets in Benin City, Nigeria

Global focus is currently on water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH) due its public health and environmental significance. The aim of this study was to investigate the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene status of Uwelu and Evbareke spare parts markets in Benin City. Questionnaires were administered to evaluate the WaSH status of the markets. Physicochemical and bacteriological qualities of borehole water samples at the spare parts markets were investigated adopting standard analytical procedures and pour plate techniques respectively.