Preliminary studies on the genetic nutritive potential of three African oil seeds

Three african oil seeds of soyabean (Glycine max L. Merill) Beniseed (Sesamu indicum L. ) and melon (Cucumis melo L. ) were evaluated as potential oil seeds in a southern guinea savannah agro-eosystems, using soyabean as a standard reference crop. Experimental techniques included approved Association of Official Analytical Chemist (AOAC1984) for proximate analysis, kjedahl for protein estimate and soxlet extraction using petroleum spirit as a solvent for l content.


Determination of Dissociation Constants of Amino Acids Using ‘ORIGIN 50’ Program

Potentiometric Studies on the dissociation constants of amino acids were carried out. The dissociation constants of amino acids were determined using ‘ORIGIN 50’ Program, as an attempt to find an alternative way for determination of the dissociation constants of amino acids, pKa, instead of the conventional calculation methods.

Effects of Four Vegetable Oils on the Life cycle of Dermestes maculatus, Degeer, reared on dry fish (Clarias sp.)

The mortality of adult D. maculatus on fish treated with palm oil, groundnut oil, coconut oil and palm kernel oil at 2.5ml / kg, 5.0ml / kg and 10.0 ml kg respectively was monitored over a 15 day period. The highest mortality of 40% was recorded in groundnut oil, palm kernel oil and coconut oil at 10ml / kg treatment respectively at the end of the period. Lowest mortalities of 3.3% were recorded in the palm oil groundnut and coconut oil treatments at 2.5 ml/kg and 5.0 ml/kg respectively.