Water quality

Water Quality Profile of Ekenwan River and Antibiotics Sensitivity Pattern of Its Isolated Bacteria

This study was aimed at evaluating the water quality profile of Ekenwan River located in Edo-South, Nigeria and also to determine the antibiotics sensitivity pattern of its isolated bacteria. Water samples were collected from upstream and downstream stations of the river and they were designated as station A and station B respectively; standard analytical and bacteriological procedures were adopted. The pH of water samples for station A ranged from 5.11-5.86 while and station B ranged from 4.11-5.94.

Assessment of the Water Quality of Selected Boreholes Close to a Dumpsite in Agbor Metropolis, Delta State, Nigeria

Dumpsite utilization for municipal solid waste disposal produces leachate which is a threat to groundwater resources. The study was aimed at determining the suitability of groundwater for drinking and domestic usages using physical, chemical and microbial indices, with a view to assessing the vulnerability of boreholes close to dumpsite to groundwater pollution. The results showed that except for pH and lead, the concentrations of other physico – chemical parameters were within acceptable limits of NSDWQ and WHO.


Zooplankton Community of the Cross River Estuary in Association with Some Physical Environmental Factors

The zooplankton community in association with some physical environmental factors was studied for six (6) months. A total of 5,303 individuals made up 17 species belonging to 3 families was recorded. Rotifers had the highest species composition of 41.06%, followed by Copepods and Ciliates with 29.41% and 23.53% respectively. There was no significant relationship in zooplankton composition across the stations and between seasons (P<0.05).