Evaluating the Concept of Reducing Sugar (Glucose) and Growth in L-Asparaginase Production Using Some Selected Marine Actinomycetes

Reducing sugar is a sugar that serves as a reducing agent. It falls under the category of carbohydrate or natural sugar but it consist of either a free aldehyde group (-CHO) or a ketone groups called the reducing end of the sugar. Microbial growth describes an increase in cell number of microorganisms provided with suitable nutritional and environmental conditions.

Possible Potency of Annona muricata L. Methanol Leaf Extract in Ameliorating Pancreatic Cell Function in Alloxan-induced Diabetic Mice

The methanol extract of Annona muricata leaf was investigated for its effects on -cell dysfunction, and  atherogenenic dyslipidaemia in alloxan-induced diabetic mice. Thirty (30) mice of both sexes, aged between 8-10 weeks were randomly divided into normal, diabetic, diabetic + glibenclamide(5mg/kg), diabetic+250 mg/kg A. muricata Extract, diabetic+500 mg/kg A. muricata Extract, diabetic+1000 mg/kg A. muricata Extract, groups (n=6/group). Alloxan was administered intraperitoneally while extracts and glibenclamide were given via oral route for 21 days.

Antibacterial Activity of Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers on Some Clinical Bacterial Isolates

This study was carried out to investigate the antibacterial activities of commercially available alcohol-based  handsanitizers (2Sure, Dettol and Carex) on some clinical bacterial isolates. The isolates were obtained from the laboratory stock culture of University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City.


Molecular Characterization of Iron-Related Bacteria in Ground Water in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, Nigeria

Fe (III) compounds which are formed from the oxidation of Fe(II) by iron bacteria precipitates, and forms iron oxides - an extensive orange mats of organic material, which is often found present in the ground water, evident by the rust stain colour seen on almost all the water storage tanks in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. Hence, this study characterized iron bacteria diversity in groundwater, which is a major source of drinking water in the state.

Environmental Concerns

Potential impacts on the environment from the escape or release of genetically engineered organisms was the committee's greatest science-based concerns associated with animal biotechnology, in large part due to the uncertainty inherent in identifying environmental problems early on and the difficulty of remediation once a problem has been identified. The intent of this chapter is to identify the risks to the environment posed by GE animals, prioritize those risks, and explain the criteria used for selecting them.

Animal Health and Welfare

The effects of genetic engineering on animal health and welfare are of significant public concern (Mench, 1999). Ideas about animal welfare are shaped by cultural attitudes toward animals (Burghart and Herzog, 1989), and animal welfare has proven difficult to assess because it is so multifaceted and involves ethical judgments (Mason and Mendl, 1993; Fraser, 1999).

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Current Regulatory Framework

The executive branch formally announced its biotechnology policy on June 26, 1986, in the form of the Coordinated Framework for Regulation of Biotechnology (OSTP 1986), as reviewed previously and described in more detail in this article. The three lead agencies with responsibility for implementation of the policy were the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Limbal epithelial stem cells of the cornea

The cornea on the front surface of the eye is our window to the world, hence maintenance of corneal tissue transparency is essential for vision. The integrity and functionality of the outermost corneal layer, the epithelium, plays a key role in refraction of light on to the retina at the back of the eye. Like other epithelia, the epithelium of the cornea is maintained by stem cells.

Mouse kidney development

The kidneys play a critical homeostatic role in the regulation of body fluid composition and excretion of waste products. Here I review our understanding of how the three different vertebrate kidney types (pronephros, mesonephros, and metanephros) arise during mouse development with a more comprehensive focus on the molecular regulation of metanephros formation.


A Transparent window into biology: A primer on Caenorhabditis elegans

A little over 50 years ago, Sydney Brenner had the foresight to develop the nematode (round worm) Caenorhabditis elegans as a genetic model for understanding questions of developmental biology and neurobiology. Over time, research on C. elegans has expanded to explore a wealth of diverse areas in modern biology including studies of the basic functions and interactions of eukaryotic cells, host-parasite interactions, and evolution. C. elegans has also become an important organism in which to study processes that go awry in human diseases.