Oligospermic Effects of Aqueous Extract of Fragaria ananassa (Strawberry) On Male Wistar Rats

Fragaria ananassa (strawberry fruit) is a popularly consumed fruit that is well known to contain potent antioxidants. The effects of aqueous extract of Fragaria ananassa on the sperm parameters and hormones were investigated in male adult Wistar rats. Fifteen (15) male Wistar rats were used for this experiment and were randomly assigned into a control group (A) and two treatment group (B and C) with each group containing five animals (n=5 per group). Animals in group A were given rat feed and water ad libitum, those in treatment group B received 200mg/kg body weight of Fragaria ananassa (low dose) while animals in treatment group C received 800mg/kg body weight of the extract (high dose). Oral administration of the extract was carried out daily throughout the experimental period which lasted for eight weeks (56 days). At the end of the experimental period, the animals were anesthetised using chloroform and sacrificed. Samples were taken for hormonal assay and sperm analysis. Data were expressed as Mean ± SEM. Significant difference between means were determined by t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Significant difference was expressed as P<0.05. Results from sperm analysis showed a dose dependent decrease in the sperm count, motility and normal sperm morphology, and a corresponding increase in abnormal sperm morphology. Hormonal assay revealed a dose dependent significant decrease in testosterone and estrogen level as well as a non-significant increase in the FSH and LH levels. There was also a significant elevation of prolactin and progesterone level. It can be concluded that aqueous extract of Fragaria ananassa decreased fertility indices in male rats by affecting sperm parameters and altering pituitary gonadal axis hormones.

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