Possible Potency of Annona muricata L. Methanol Leaf Extract in Ameliorating Pancreatic Cell Function in Alloxan-induced Diabetic Mice

The methanol extract of Annona muricata leaf was investigated for its effects on -cell dysfunction, and atherogenenic dyslipidaemia in alloxan-induced diabetic mice. Thirty (30) mice of both sexes, aged between 8-10 weeks were randomly divided into normal, diabetic, diabetic + glibenclamide(5mg/kg), diabetic+250 mg/kg A. muricata Extract, diabetic+500 mg/kg A. muricata Extract, diabetic+1000 mg/kg A. muricata Extract, groups (n=6/group). Alloxan was administered intraperitoneally while extracts and glibenclamide were given via oral route for 21 days. The results revealed that, 250 mg/kg A. muricata extract elicited significant reductions in hyperglycemia, ameliorated insulinaemia as well as -cell function and impaired weight loss in alloxan-induced diabetic mice. The extract also attenuated (p<0.05) atherogenic dyslipidemia and elevation in malondialdehyde and upregulated antioxidant enzymes. The effect of the extract on the test  groups administered 250 mg/kg body weight (bw), 500 mg/kg bw, and 1000 mg/kg bw compared favourably with glibenclamide. The administration of methanolic extract of A. muricata leaves has significant ameliorative effect on alloxaninduced hypoglycemia, atherogenic dyslipidaemia and pancreatic cell dysfunction. Our finding suggest that these positive modulatory effects are achieved via reduction in lipid peroxidation. The extract may be of immense benefits in the management of diabetes and its associated complications. Improved liver functions as well as its anti-oxidant status are beneficial in the management of chronic diseases.

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