Supplemental Increase of Vegetable Oil in Pig Feed Formulated from Agro-Industrial Waste: Effects on Body Weight and Biochemical Parameters of Pigs?

This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of supplemental increase of vegetable oil in pig feed formulated from agro-industrial waste on body weight and biochemical parameters of pigs. Twelve female large White x Dunroc weaner pigs (15.5 ± 0.82kg) were divided into four treatment groups (A-D) corresponding to four formulated diets. Diet A (control) contained compounded diet without vegetable oil, while diets B, C, and D contained compounded diet with 1, 2, and 3% supplemental vegetable oil respectively. The animals were treated for two weeks. Significant (p<0.05) body weight gain was recorded in pigs feed with diets containing vegetable oil (Groups C and D) compared to the control (Group A). A Significant difference (p<0.05) was observed in total protein value between the control and pigs feed diet supplemented with 2% vegetable oil. There was also a significant difference (p<0.05) in albumin levels in control pigs compared to the test groups, but no significant difference was observed in albumin levels between the test groups. Serum urea and calcium levels were not significantly different across the groups, whereas cholesterol levels differed significantly across the groups. This study has demonstrated that pig feed formulated from agro-industrial waste can be supplemented with up to 3% vegetable oil without deleterious effects on the health status of pigs. The supplementation of pig diet with vegetable oil resulted in increased body weight of pigs. The 2% supplementation with vegetable oil resulted in the highest weight gain and had better effects on health status of pigs as revealed by the biochemical parameters examined.
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