Effect of feeding frequency and feeding rate on the growth and feed efficiency of catfish, Heterobranchus bidorsalis fry in outdoor concrete ponds

The effect of feeding frequency on the growth and feed efficiency of Heterobranchus bidorsalis was investigated at two feeding rates (10% and 40% of body weight) in a 2x2 factorial experiment. The study was conducted in twelve 2x2x1m outdoor concrete ponds supplied with aeration with three replicate ponds for each treatment. Fish averaging 80 ± 4.5 mg were fed either two times or four times daily at two different feeding rates using practical diets for ten weeks. The percentage weight gain ranged from 55.25% to 95.13%.


First report and record of nematode Eustrongylides africanus larvae in a vertebrate host mudfish Clarias species from Bida floodplain of Nigeria

The nematode specimens from Clarias species were confirmed to be the larval forms of nematode Eustrongytides africanus that occurs in a wide diversity of fish-eating aquatic animals. And its effective third- and fourth-stage larval development was also described. The physical presence of this parasite in Clarias species is manifested by swellings or undulations on skin surfaces as grub-like.

Controlled reproduction in African catfish Clarias gariepinus

This breeding experiment is divided into three trial groups. The first trial group consist of 2 males and 3 females Clarias gariepinus which were injected with a calculated amount of synthetic hormone (Human chronic Gonadotropin) according to their measured weight. In the second trial group, there are also 2 females and 3 females C. gariepinus which were injected with a calculated amount of natural hormone (Pituitary extract). The third trial group consist of 2 males and 3 females C. gariepinus which were not injected with anything and therefore serves as control.


Prevalence of intestinal parasites in HIV seropositive patients in infectious diseases Hospital, Kano (IDH)

It has been increasingly recognized that enteric protozoan parasites are important in immunocompromised individuals. These pathogens tend to aid disease progression or otherwise in such individuals. The association between intestinal parasites and HIV seropositive subjects in IDH was evaluated using fresh stool samples from 106 patients and 3op controls. Samples collected included both male and female in age ranges of 15-50. Stool samples were examined microscopically for consistency, presence of blood, mucus and adult worms.


Phytosterol, phenolic acid, amino acid and sugar profiles of the unripe fruits of Solanum melongena L. (Round variety)

Numerous health benefits of consuming eggplant fruits (Solanum melongena L.) have been reported. This research was carried out to determine some of the constituents responsible for its nutritional and medicinal properties. The unripe fruits of Solanum melongena L. (round variety) were evaluated for its phytosterol, phenolic acid, amino acid and sugar profiles by gas chromatography. The Phytosterol analysis showed the presence of seven phytosterols and sitosterol (233 ± 0.852 mg/100g) was found to be significantly higher (p<0.01) than the other phytosterols.

Effects of Below Ground Controlled Injections of CO2 on Microbial Respiration of Soil Planted With Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Below-ground carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions occur naturally at CO2 springs, but the risk of occurrence at other sites will increase as geologic CO2 storage is implemented to help mitigate climate change. This investigation examines the effect of controlled injection of below ground CO2 emission on wheat plant and soil microbial respiration where spring wheat (triticum aestivum L.) was grown. The study involved setting up eight (8) experimental plots (each 2.5 x 2.5m) for the growth of spring wheat.

Chemical Analysis and Biological Activity of Natural Preservative from Beet root (Beta vulgaris) Against Foodborne Pathogens and Spoilage Organisms

Proximate and elemental analysis of Beta vulgaris was carried out using standard procedures. Ethanolic and aqueous extract of the root were analysed qualitatively and quantitatively for phytochemicals. The agar well diffusion assay was employed to determine the antibacterial activity of both ethanolic and water extracts of Beta vulgaris. Carbohydrate, protein, fat/oils, ash and moisture content were 9.50±0.01, 1.58±0.00, 0.23±0.00, 1.43±0.01 and 88.69±1.20 % respectively. The mineral content ranged from 1.90±0.01 to 15.98±0.01 % with calcium being the lowest and manganese the highest.

In vitro cytotoxic effect of aqueous and hydroethanolic leaf extracts of Stachytarpheta cayennensis on the human pancreatic cell line (ASPC-1)

There is an urgent need for agents with improved efficacy against pancreatic cancer, as only 20% of pancreatic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy respond to treatment. This study investigated the antiproliferative attributes of hydroethanolic and aqueous leaf extracts of Stachytarpheta cayennensis on human pancreatic carcinoma cell lines (AsPC-1).

Callogenesis of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) using immature inflorescence and young leaf explants

The study was aimed at generating callus from immature inflorescence and young leaf explants of coconut (Cocos nucifera L). Eeuwen’s medium which was supplemented with Murashige and Skoog macro salts, 6- Benzylamino purine (BAP) and 6-y dimethylally amino purine (2iP) at concentration of 1 mg/l each, was used as the culture medium. The effect of different concentrations of growth regulators when added to the culture medium was tested on callus generation.

Alkaloid, Flavonoid, Fatty Acid and Vitamin Profiles of the Unripe Fruit of Solanum melongena L. (Round Variety)

Solanum melongena L. (round variety) is an eggplant that is commonly called “garden egg” in Nigeria. The unripe fruit is often eaten as snack, dessert or vegetable. The dried fruit powder was evaluated for its alkaloid, flavonoid and fatty acid profiles by Gas Chromatography (GC). The vitamin profile was estimated by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The alkaloid profile showed the presence of high amounts of solamargine (134 ± 0.719 mg/100g) and solasonine (115 ± 0.455 mg/100g), with other alkaloids present in lower amounts.