Geohelminth eggs in market soils in Benin-City, Nigeria

A survey of soil transmitted helminthes (STH) in different markets of Benin City was carried out using the test-tube floatation method. A total of three hundred (300) samples from different sections of the markets were examined and 82 (27.33%) samples had various geohelminth eggs. The parasite prevalence rates were Ascaris lumbricoides (30.99%), Necator americanus (20.25%), Trichuris trichuria (16.12%), Strongyloides stercoralis (10.33%). The prevalence of these helminth eggs is attributed to indiscriminate disposal of faeces and refuse in and around the markets.


A comparison of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and faecal egg examination for the diagnosis of bovine fascioliasis

Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for the diagnosis of fascioliasis due to F. gigantica was found to be more sensitive for the diagnosis of fascioliasis when compared with Faecal Egg Examination (FEE). An average monthly prevalence of 79.3% was observed for ELISA while FEE gave a prevalence of 28%. This indicates that parasitological methods of diagnosis underestimates parasite prevalence. There is therefore need to use conventional method of diagnosis in association with serological diagnosis.


Microbiological quality and safety of smoked fish from Kainji Lake area

Microbiological qualities of 32 samples of smoked fish belonging to 4 species of fish namely: Clarias gariepinus, Oreochromis niloticus, Citharinus citharus and Synodontis membranaceous; from four (4) local markets (Monday Market, Sabo Market, Malale Market, Awuru Market) were studied. In most samples, moisture contents were high, 53.12% of the fish samples have moisture content above 30% level. The smoked samples were dominated by gram-positive bacteria however, potential pathogens, coagulase positive staphylococci, and Escherichia coli were isolated from some of the samples.

The relationship between gallstone disease and gallbladder wall thickness

The presence of Gallstones in the gallbladder is known to cause irritation of the gallbladder wall thereby resulting in the thickening of the gallbladder wall. On the other hand, an inflamed gallbladder, with its thickened wall, has been postulated to encourage super-saturation of gallbladder bile and subsequent gallstone formation. This study was therefore designed to determine the relationship between the presence of Gallstones and Gallbladder wall thickness.

Common indications for upper gastro-intestinal tract endoscopy in ECWA Hospital, Egbe, Nigeria: A preliminary report

Upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy is a visual examination of the upper intestinal tract using a lighted, flexible fibreoptic or videoscope. Common reasons for upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy include ulcers (benign and malignant), intestinal bleeding, oesophagitis and heartburn, gastritis etc. This study is therefore to examine the common indications for upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy at ECWA hospital, Egbe. Kogi state.

Provenance and palaeoenvironment of the lower KerriKerri formation around Biri Fulani, North-Eastern Nigeria

The Kerri-Kerri formation Around Biri Fulani in North-eastern Nigeria is made up of reddish, modertaley well sorted, quartz arenites that are large scale cross-bedded. Field studies and laboratory analyses were conducted on these sediments to determine their depositional environments. Sieve analysis of sediments in the area of study showed that the sandstones within the Kerri-Kerri Formation are very leptokurtic and strongly fine-skewed. The sediments are texturally submature and mineralogically mature with angular to subrounded grains thus suggesting a moderate degree of reworking.

The Genetic Potential of the Nutritive Value of Beniseed (Sesamum indicum L.)

Seeds from 15 cultivars of beniseed grown in a southern guinea savanna agro-ecology were evaluated for their mineral composition as well as their physico-chemical characterization. Average percentage crude protein (15.40), crude fat (53.27), crude fibre (6.10), ash (2.33) and Nitrogen free extract (16.61) compare favourably with those of groundnut as a reference crop. However mineral composition are fairly similar in all the cultivars with calcium being the most abundant in two varieties (85-3-1 and T-4).

Integrity testing and toxicity of three dispersants to Chironomous transvaalensis Keiffer (Diptera:Chironomidae)

In-depth integrity testing of three dispersants: Corexit 9572, NalcoD4106 and Goldcrew was carried out to determine key physical characteristics of the dispersants and toxicity to the larvae of Chironomous transvaalensis Keiffer (Diptera:Chironomidae). The result revealed that Corexit 9527 and Goldcrew maintained their integrity while NalcoD4106 on the other hand deteriorated in storage. Static bioassay conducted to determine the 96hr LC50for the dispersants against the insect species showed that Corexit 9572 was the least toxic followed by Goldcrew and Nalco D4106.

Seasonality in some tropical harpacticoid copepods (Crustacea) from West African coastal river

Studies on the occurrence and seasonality of some harpacticoid copepods (crustacean) from a West African coastal river were carried out. An all year round sampling was made to cover the twelve months of the year, using plankton nets of 55µm and 100µm mesh sizes. Three species of harpacticoid copepods were identified, namely: Nannopus palustris, Diarthrodes cf major and Bryocampus minutes. While Nannopus palustris showed peaks in the dry season months of January and February, Diarthrodes cf major and Bryocamptus minutes showed peaks in the rainy season months of July and August.
