Nematicidal potential of some indigenous plant extracts against root-knot nematode on cacao

The effect extract of Ocimum gratisimum L., Carica papaya, Azadirachta indica A. Juss, Vernonia amygdalina and Bixa orellana L. on pathogenicity and reproduction of Meloidogyne incognita race 3, the causal organism of the root-knot disease of cacao was investigated in the greenhouse. Leaf extracts were prepared by blending and filtration of 25g of chopped leaves in 100ml of distilled water. Each cocoa seedling in a naturally infested soil received 40ml water extract of the leaves. Nematode populations were reduced by the application of the extracts in a descending order of A. indica, B.

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Contraception Amongst Women and Female Youths in Mararaba, Nasarawa State, Nigeria

This study aims at documenting the awareness, approach and use of contraception amongst women and female youths in Mararaba, Nasarawa State, Nigeria. 100 respondents; 60 female youths and 40 women aged within 18-45 years were cross-examined using a structured questionnaire and informal dialogues. Data gathered were analyzed using appropriate statistical tools. Results show that respondents between ages 23 and 27 (female youths and young married women) attending higher institutions were most represented in this study.

Comparative Studies of the Nutritional Compositions of Ten Powdered Adult Foods Commonly Consumed in Nigeria and Their Roles in Humans

The markets in Benin City are currently ‘saturated’ with processed powdered foods from several sources which include wheat, maize, tubers et cetera. The demand for these products are also on the increase. It was against this background that ten adult powdered foods were purchased from the open markets in Benin City to evaluate their nutritive values. Consequently, the proximate analysis of the foods was determined. Additionally, the micro- and macro- mineral contents were determined with the AOAC and AACC methods.

GC-MS Analysis of Bioactive Fractions of Terminalia avicennoides, Bombax buopodezense Barks and Lipid Profile of Trypanosoma brucei Infected Wistar Rats

Trypanosoma brucei, a causative agent of trypanosomiasis in livestock also possesses the ability to reoccur in disease conditions thereby increasing the trouble of ill health and if not treated on time could cause great losses to man. A comparative study was carried out to investigate the efficacy of different fractions of the extracts of Terminalia avicennoides and Bombax buopodezense on Trypanosoma brucei brucei infected wistar rats. The plants extract were fractionated using different solvents by chromatography technique.

Microorganisms Associated With Usable Equipment in The Radiological Unit of University of Benin Teaching Hospital

Radiology unit is one of the commonly used diagnostic centres in the hospital. Medical devices in this unit harbour nosocomial pathogens that may likely complicate patient illnesses. This study investigated the presence of pathogenic microbes in usable equipment from hospital radiology units. Samples were collected via sterile swab stick from three radiological units (Ultrasound, X-ray and Mammogram rooms) equipment of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City. The media used in the isolation of the microorganisms were Nutrient Agar (bacteria) and Potato Dextrose Agar (fungi).

Radial Growth Phase of Aspergillus Species in Selected Food Substances (Tomato, Onion, Pepper and Carrot) at Different Temperatures

This study was carried out to determine the effect of temperature on radial growth phase of Aspergillus spp. Aspergillus niger was isolated from apparently spoilt samples of onion, tomato and carrot. These food samples were obtained from different locations. Isolation of A. niger was done using Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). A. niger which was inoculated at the centre of the PDA plate was observed for radial growth for a period of seven days at 12 hourly interval, twice daily at 280C and 370C respectively. It was generally observed that A.

Comparative growth responses of field- and pot-grown open-pollinated maize varieties to N fertilizer application

Field and screen house experiments were conducted during the 1997 cropping season at the University of Ilorin, Nigeria. The experiments designed as 2 x 5 factorial and laid out in split-plot were to compare responses of field- and pot-grown maize varieties to N fertilizer application. Two open-pollinated maize varieties (DMRSR-Y and TZBP-W) were evaluated at five N levels (0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 kg N ha-1) in both the field and the controlled environment.

Problems and prospects of fish farming in Kwara State, Nigeria

A study of the problems and prospects of fish farming was conducted in Kwara State. Questionnaires were used to collect data from Fish farmers, Traders and Civil Servants. The response showed that the major constraints to fish farming were lack of funds to procure land, water supply to farmers, unstable prices of feeds and fingerlings and poor management of the ponds.  Fish farming has many prospects which include: enhancing the income of the farmer, nutritionally.

Seasonal variation in disease development in tomato under single and mixed infection with Potato X potexvirus and Tobacco mosaic tobamovirus

Both the initial, and long term symptom responses to single and mixed infections with potato x potexvirus (PVX) and the L (wild strain) and LIIA (attenuated strain) of tobacco mosaic tobamovirus (TMV) were monitored in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill), cultivar GCR 236 (+/+) which were raised under greenhouse conditions at different seasons of the year in Japan. Symptoms expression, both in rapidly as well as in severity varied with the seasons among the treatments.


A review on diseases and management problems affecting reproductive performance in semi-intensive raised local guinea fowl (Numida meleagris)

Investigations based on field records and experiences at the Guinea Fowl Production Research Unit of the Kainji Lake Research Institute have shown that some diseases management conditions which include: yolksac, fungal infections, collibacillosis, helminthiasis, management problems in particular inbreeding, moulting, heatstroke and nutritional deficiencies affect significantly the reproductive organs, egg laying and hatchability.