Water Quality Profile of Ekenwan River and Antibiotics Sensitivity Pattern of Its Isolated Bacteria

This study was aimed at evaluating the water quality profile of Ekenwan River located in Edo-South, Nigeria and also to determine the antibiotics sensitivity pattern of its isolated bacteria. Water samples were collected from upstream and downstream stations of the river and they were designated as station A and station B respectively; standard analytical and bacteriological procedures were adopted. The pH of water samples for station A ranged from 5.11-5.86 while and station B ranged from 4.11-5.94. Also the electrical conductivity of the water samples from station A ranged from 61.5- 210.3µS/cm while station B ranged from 65.2-286.9µS/cm. The results also showed that Ekenwa River had been relatively contaminated with heavy metals, with iron having the highest concentration (station A and B recorded 0.27-1.14mg/l and 0.38-1.85mg/l respectively). The total heterotrophic bacterial counts at Station A and Station B ranged from 5.1×104 – 10.5×104 cfu/ml and 0.7×104 – 17.3×104 cfu/ml respectively. The total coliform counts range at Stations A and B were from 10–40MPN/100ml and 17–90MPN/100ml respectively. The predominant bacterial isolates were species of Bacillus (17.3 %), Enterobacter (16.0 %), Micrococcus (13.3 %) and Staphylococcus (13.3 %). Results of antibiotic sensitivity pattern indicated varying activities and the most effective antibiotic was erythromycin. Arithmetic evaluation of Water Quality Index was 33.98 for station A (indicating good water quality) and 351.26 for station B (indicating water is unsuitable for drinking). This study indicated significant level of pollution due to various activities carried out along the River.

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