F.E. Ade-Ogunnowo

Phytochemical Screening, Proximate Composition and Mineral Activities of Four Selected Nigerian Mushrooms

The study examined the phytochemical screening, proximate composition and mineral activities of four selected mushrooms. Four fungi (Calocybe indica, Pleurotus pulmonarius, Auricularia sp, and Pleurotus ostreatus) were collected and phytochemical, proximate and mineral contents were determined. Results showed that moisture content was observed to be highest in Auricularia sp. (46.8 %), C.indica (46.8 %) protein (10.31 %), ash (2.72 %), fat (3.2 %), fibre (3.7 %) and CHO (38.36 %) were observed to be highest in P. ostreatus, while ash was observed to be lowest in C. indica (2.0 %).

Carbon Dioxide, Humidity, Oxygen and Light Effect on the Growth of Pleurotus pulmonarius

Carbon dioxide, humidity, oxygen and light was evaluated on the mycelial growth of Pleurotus pulmonarius. Hundred grams (100 g) of paper wastes was weighed into screwed capped bottles and sterilized in an autoclave at 121 °C for 15 min thereafter innoculated with 10 g of Pleurotus pulmonarius spawn and incubated for 5 weeks. Mycelia of P. pulmonarius after 5 weeks of incubation were exposed to 10 cc of carbon dioxide and 20 cc of oxygen gas ran into the glass jar for a period of 7 days beneath the clamps of mushroom growing in the glass jar.