An Overview of Flood Disaster Management in Nigeria

Flood can be seen as a process that bring about a short-term immersing of a land with water that does not ordinarily occur. It is one of the most common environmental hazards in developing countries like Nigeria. Flooding, a recurrent events in Nigeria occur mostly in locations that are flat or low lying especially places with inadequate or no surface drainages, or where existing ones have been filled with refuse and other sediments. The exposure to flooding is due to a range of socio-economic factors, like income, occupation, information technology, access to loan facilities, etc. Floods, although a natural disaster, could also be as a result of human activities and obstructions to natural processes, likes rise in built areas or population growth located in locations susceptible to flooding. It brings about destructions to lives, property and livelihood thereby exacerbating poverty and food insecurity. It is also among the major causes of human displacement in Nigeria. In order to ameliorate the consequence of flooding in the nation, the federal government launched the early warning system. As a way of informing the general public on the imminent menace of flooding, the federal government equipped the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) to enable it provide accurate weather forecast. Residents also engage in diversification of income, the use of materials that can alleviate damage due to flood, the use of improved crop varieties for farming and change in time of planting. Despite the measures applied, in most cases, residents are still affected by flood. Therefore, government at all levels and other stakeholders in flood related matters, need to improve on their efforts towards flood management in Nigeria.

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