Modulatory influence of certain dietary supplements on the toxic effects of arsenite in rabbits

The modulatory effects of three dietary supplements, honey, garlic (Allium sativum L.) and bitter kola (Garcinia kola seed) on sodium arsenite-induced toxicity were evaluated in rabbits. The experimental animals were fed 100 mg/kg body weight each of honey (Ho) and aqueous extracts of garlic (Ga) and bitter kola (Bi) either alone or in combination for five weeks. Sodium arsenite (2.5 mg/kg body weight) was fed at the beginning of the third week while feeding with the dietary supplements continued throughout the period of the experiment. Control rabbits were given distilled water. The body weights of the animals were monitored while they were bled once a week for eight weeks. The packed cell volume (PCV) of the blood was determined and gamma glutamyltransferase (γ-GT) activity was assayed for in the serum. Serum albumin/globulin ratio (A:G) was also estimated. In general, the body weights of the animals did not show any appreciable difference during feeding of Ho, Ga, Bi and intoxication with sodium arsenite. Similar observations were made for the PCV of all the animals in the various groups. Conversely, serum γ-GT activity was elevated by about 51% in arsenite intoxicated rabbits. This activity was markedly reduced by the consumption of the dietary supplements before and after the intoxication. Although the toxic effects of arsenite decreased with time, the extent of disappearance of this toxic effect was more prominent in the second and third weeks following administration of arsenite. Whereas serum A:G ratio was appreciably decreased in rabbits intoxicated with arsenite, the consumption of the dietary supplements also caused a gradual reversal in this parameter till the eighth week of the experiment. The effect of the supplements is in the order Ho > Ga > Bi. Arising from these observations, it seems possible that dietary supplements may have long-term protective effects during and after exposure to sodium arsenite.

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