Preys of Two Arboreal Frogs: Chiromantis rufescens and Leptopelis spiritusnoctis in Okomu National Park, Nigeria

A number of studies on the diets of anurans from Nigeria have been reported, however, there is a paucity of information on the diets of arboreal anuran species. Examination of the stomach contents of two arboreal frogs; Chiromantis rufescens and Leptopelis spiritusnoctis collected at Okomu National Park in Edo State revealed a total of nine prey taxa. The preys recorded belonged to eight insect orders (Coleoptera 48.98%, Crustacea 1.02%, Dictyoptera 3.06%, Diptera 5.10%, Hymenoptera 19.3%, Isoptera 1.02%, Lepidoptera 2.04% and Orthoptera 18.37%) and a mollusk (Gastropoda 1.02%).

Oligospermic Effects of Aqueous Extract of Fragaria ananassa (Strawberry) On Male Wistar Rats

Fragaria ananassa (strawberry fruit) is a popularly consumed fruit that is well known to contain potent antioxidants. The effects of aqueous extract of Fragaria ananassa on the sperm parameters and hormones were investigated in male adult Wistar rats. Fifteen (15) male Wistar rats were used for this experiment and were randomly assigned into a control group (A) and two treatment group (B and C) with each group containing five animals (n=5 per group).


Preliminary Studies on Physostigma venenosum (Balf.) Seeds: Mineral Composition, Proximate and Phytochemical Analysis

Physostigma venenosum Balf., known as Calabar beans (Fabaceae family) is a very poisonous plant with reported therapeutic properties. Many studies have shown its use in medicine for eye problems, glaucoma, constipation, epilepsy, cholera, hypertension and tetanus. In this study, quantitative phytochemistry, proximate analysis and mineral constituents of the ethanol extracts of Physostigma venenosum seeds were investigated using standard analytical chemical procedures.

Optimization and Assessment of Different DNA Extraction Protocols in Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.)

The first and the most essential step in any genetic analysis is the extraction of good quality DNA. In this study, comparison of five different protocols of isolating total genomic DNA from Cowpea plant (Vigna unguiculata) was carried out. A total of 10 varieties of cowpea (V. unguiculata) were collected from IITA and planted in pots in a screenhouse in the Department of Botany, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

Anti-Spermatogenic Effects of Ficus sycomorus Aqueous Leaf Extract on Testes and Epididymis of Adult Male Wistar Rats

The Effects of Aqueous Extract of Ficus sycomorus leaves on the testis, epididymis and sperm parameters in adult male Wistar rats was investigated. Eighteen [18] adult male rats were used for the experiment. The rats were randomly assigned into three groups; control group (A) and two treatment groups (B and C) with each containing six rats (n=6/group).


Effects of Four Vegetable Oils on the Life cycle of Dermestes maculatus, Degeer, reared on dry fish (Clarias sp.)

The mortality of adult D. maculatus on fish treated with palm oil, groundnut oil, coconut oil and palm kernel oil at 2.5ml / kg, 5.0ml / kg and 10.0 ml kg respectively was monitored over a 15 day period. The highest mortality of 40% was recorded in groundnut oil, palm kernel oil and coconut oil at 10ml / kg treatment respectively at the end of the period. Lowest mortalities of 3.3% were recorded in the palm oil groundnut and coconut oil treatments at 2.5 ml/kg and 5.0 ml/kg respectively.

Farmers’ Perceptions of Plantain Production Constraints in Port Harcourt Metropolis, Southern Nigeria

Participatory rural appraisal surveys aimed at determining farmers’ perception of plantain production constraints in Port Harcourt metropolis (specifically at Rivers State University [RSU], Nkoplu and the Agricultural Development Programme [ADP] farms, Rumuodomaya) have revealed: poor soil fertility, wind, “drought” and “disease” (in that order of importance) as the major militating factors to plantain (or Musa) production in this region.


Assessment and Quantification of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) in Soils of E-Waste Dumpsites in Benin City, Nigeria

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are a class of synthetic halogenated organic compounds used in a number of polymer-based commercial and home-use products. They are incoporated in the manufacture of electronics devices, furniture and textiles to increase resistance to flames and to meet set out fire safety standards. Generally, PBDEs are characterized by long range atmospheric transport, high bioaccumulation and toxicities. There is a dearth of information on the concentrations of PBDEs and the pattern of distribution at the various e-waste dump and dismantling sites in Nigeria.

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs) profiles of sediments from Falcorp mangrove swamp, Warri, Delta State

The Falcorp mangrove swamp has and is still been exposed to various forms of anthropogenic polluting activities which include; Vandalization of oil pipelines which transverse sections of the swamp. The PAHs and PCBs profile of swamp sediments was investigated. The sediments were subjected to routine PAH and PCB analyses which included; extraction, use of sonicator, GC-ECD and GC-FID analysis. The data were subjected to statistical and multivariate analysis using Microsoft Excel, SPSS version 16.0 and PAST respectively.


Distribution and Risk of Metals in Soils of Refuse Dumpsites in Some Urban Towns in Delta State, Nigeria

Refuse dumpsites often contain materials capable of polluting surrounding soils. In this study, the spatial distribution of metals in soils of refuse dumpsites in three urban towns (Ughelli, Sapele, Orhuwhorun) in Delta State, Nigeria were examined. Soil samples were collected from three dumpsites in the aforementioned towns at depths 0-15 cm, 15-30 cm and 30-45 cm, respectively.