Anti-fertility and Pro-fertility Activities of Desplatsia dewevrei (De Wild. & Th. Dur.) Burret on Wistar Rats

Desplatsia dewevrei (De Wild. & Th. Dur.) Burret fruits were investigated for possible anti-fertility and profertility activities by hematological, biochemical and hormonal assays using Wistar rats of both sexes for 6 weeks. Methanol extract of Desplatsia dewevrei fruits was administered orally at 50 and 100 mg/kg. Results show that concentrations above 50 mg/kg interfered with the reproductive development of the liter (fetus) in female rats. While in male rats, doses above 50 mg/kg posed adverse effect on sperm count and sperm motility. Organ-to-body weight and temperature indices in pregnant female animals were not adversely affected by oral treatment with Desplatsia dewevrei. Thus, an EC50 of 50 mg/kg of Desplatsia dewevrei methanol extracts was observed to elicit pro-fertility effects. In conclusion, Desplatsia dewevrei from this research finding possesses potentials of a pro-fertility agent at doses lower than 50 mg/kg however, but can become an abortifacient at doses higher than 50 mg/ kg.

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