Organochlorine Pesticides in Soils of Municipal Solid Waste Dumpsites in Delta State: Spatial and Seasonal Variations, Potential Risks and Sources

This study assessed the spatial and seasonal variations, potential risks and sources of organochlorine pesticides in municipal solid waste dumpsites (MSWDs) in Delta State. Soil samples were obtained from twenty-seven MSWDs in Delta State. Soil samples were extracted with hexane/dichloromethane and cleaned up in a column of silica gel and florisil. The OCPs in the extracts were quantified with a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The ∑20 OCPs levels in the soils varied between 0.74 and 7.29 ng g-1for the dry season and from 0.09 to 9.47 ng g-1 for the wet season.

Histological Changes in the Heart and Aorta of the Adult Wistar Rat Following Exposure to Cement Dust

The heart is a vital organ of the body that pumps blood through the aorta and its branches which provide blood flow to all organs and tissues of the body. Any injury causes distortion of the smooth functioning of the cardiovascular system. This study investigated the histological changes in the heart and aorta of Wistar rats following exposure to cement dust. Twenty-four (24) Wistar rats weighing between 250 g and 280 g were divided into 4 groups of 6 rats per group.

Taxonomic Significance of Leaf Epidermal Attributes of some Herbaceous Species of Euphorbia L. (Euphorbiaceae) in Nigeria

Foliar epidermis of six species of Euphorbia Linn. in Nigeria was studied with the aim of ascertaining reliable characters for easy identification, delimitation and indicating relationships among species. Light microscopy was employed to evaluate leaf surface features such as shape of epidermal cell, stomata and trichome and their distribution frequency. Epidermal shapes are variable i.e. polygonal, irregular and undulate. Stomatal complex types include anomocytic, anisocytic, paracytic, diacytic were encountered. Diacytic stomatal complex was observed only in E. heterophylla and E.

Various parts of Moringa oleifera ameliorate Phenylhydrazine-Induced Spleen toxicity in Male Wistar Rats

The toxicity of sickle cell anaemia maintenance drugs makes medicinal plants viable alternatives. The protective roles of Moringa oleifera (MO) parts (Bark, flower, leaf, root and seed) against phenylhydrazine (PHZ) induced spleen toxicity and oxidative stress in rats were carried out. Splenomegaly was observed in anaemic rats and was reversed by M. oleifera parts, particularly the flower and roots. The M.

Effects of Aqueous Leaf Extract of Cymbopogon citratus on Cement Dust-Induced Interstitial Pneumonitis in Adult Wistar Rats

Inhalation of cement dust is the most important cause of respiratory diseases among people with cement dust related occupations such as cement factory and transporting workers, construction labourers, brick masons, concrete finishers, plasterers, steel erectors et cetera. This study aimed to investigate the effects of aqueous leaf extract of Cymbopogon citratus on cement dust-induced lung damage in the adult Wistar rats. Thirty (30) adult Wistar rats weighing between 240 g and 270 g were divided into five (5) groups of six (6) rats per group.

Effects of Black Seed Oil on Oxidative Stress Parameters and Gingival Expression of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase in Diabetes and Periodontitis-Induced Rats

Using diabetic and periodontitis-induced rats, the effects of black seed oil on oxidative stress parameters and gingival expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase were examined in this study. Eight groups of forty eight were created. Rats from Group I were used as the Control group; they had unrestricted access to typical rat diet and were not given any medications. NS oil was given to the rats in group II in addition to their standard rat chow and water. In Group III animals, diabetes was induced without treatment.

Aqueous Root Extract of Piliostigma thonningii Modulates the Activities of Antioxidant Enzymes and Lipid Levels in Paracetamol-Induced Damage in Rabbits

Paracetamol is notorious for causing liver damage due to excessive generation of free radicals due to overdose ingestion. The body has an antioxidant system comprising enzymes and non-enzymes, which help to mop up free radicals generated.

The Proximate and Phytochemical Analyses of Aqueous Root Extract of Piliostigma thonningii and its Effects on Indices of Well-being in Experimental Animals

Plants have constituted a significant quota to the sustainability of humans as food, medicines and raw materials for other uses. Increased awareness of the significance of medicinal plants led to more studies focused on the phytochemistry and proximate analysis of plants.

Analysis of Hematological Indices and Serum Immunoglobulin Levels (IgG and IgM) in Preeclamptic and Normotensive Pregnancies

 Preeclampsia (PE) is a common complication during pregnancy, affecting 2–5% of pregnant women. It is believed to be associated with modulaton of immune response. This study investigated some hematological indices and serum levels of immunoglobulins- Ig G and IgM in pre-eclamptic and normotensive patients attending Ante-natal Clinic at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital Benin City, Nigeria.