African Scientist Vol. 23, No. 4 ,December31, 2022

Impacts of Egg Diets on the Culture of Clarias gariepinus Fry in Indoor Hatchery

The use of egg diets and fish meal as a starter diets for Clarias gariepinus fry after endogenous feeding was investigated for 42 days. The experiment was designed to determine the effects of egg diets on growth performance of C. gariepinus. The experimental diets were assigned into three treatments and control.

Antioxidant Enzyme Activities of the Leaves of Groundnut (Arachis hypogeae L.) Planted on Crude Oil-Contaminated Soil

ABSTRACT: Antioxidant enzyme activity of groundnut leaves planted in crude oil contaminated soil was evaluated. 1.5 kg of soil each was placed in black polythene bags. They were divided into four groups (A-D) of five bags each. Each group was treated with different concentrations of crude oil (0 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml and 15 ml per 1.5 kg soil respectively). five seeds of Arachis hypogaea were planted in each bag.

Ameliorative Effects of Cyathula prostrata Leaf Extract on Olanzapine-Induced Obesity in Rats

Obesity is a medical condition characterised by accumulation of excess body fat which may lead to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems. The aim of this study was to investigate the ameliorative potential of Cyathula prostrata ethanolic leaf extract (CPLE) on olanzapine-induced obesity in rats. The Rats were randomly distributed into 6 groups, group 1 served as the control and were administered distilled water, groups 5-6 were administered 8 mg/kg bw of olanzapine for 28 days to induce obesity.

Haematological Response of Clarias gariepinus to Crude Extract of Azadirachta indica

Neem also known as Azadirachta indica scientifically belong to the mahogamy family Maliaceae. Neem is a fast-growing tree that can reach a height of 25-30m (Biswas et al., 2002). It is also drought resistant, but in severe drought, it may shed most or nearly all of its leaves. Neem; Azadirachta indica has both enormous scientific and traditional uses. Different parts of the plants are used in the manufacture of organic fertilizer, pesticides, pharmaceutical products, cosmetics, traditional herbal medicines and animal feeds. A.

Protective Functions of L-Arginine on Implantation in Pregnant Rats Administered L-NAME

Nitric oxide (NO) plays a role in estrogen-mediated uterine receptivity. We hypothesize that L-arginine a NO substrate will increase NO production and boost pregnancy outcomes in rats with inhibited NO synthase activity. Thirty-two pregnant rats were randomly divided into four groups, control (10 mL/kg of water), L-NAME (50 mg/kg), L-NAME + L-Arg (50 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg) and L-Arg only (500 mg/kg). L-Arg and L-NAME were administered orally and subcutaneously respectively from day 3-11 of pregnancy.

Improving Phytonutrient Constituents in the Leaf of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius (Tree Spinach) Through Soil Amendment with Craseonycteris thonglongyai Dung

Generally, leafy vegetables form an integral part of our diets as they are among the major sources of phytonutrients and mineral elements required for development, maintenance of good health and prevention of degenerative diseases. The concentrations of these nutrients in vegetables depend on the physical and chemical properties of the soil where they were grown.

Age-related Effects of Momordica charantia Leaf (Tea) Extract on Prostate Gland Health in Male Wistar Rats

Prostate disorders are age-related issues that are known to be influenced by sex hormones, diet, and lifestyle and stress. With increasing dissatisfaction with orthodox treatment methods, host of alternative therapies including medicinal plants are currently being employed. The present study investigated the effect of oral administration of aqueous extract of Momordica charantia leaf tea on prostate gland health.