Changes in Antioxidant Enzyme Activities in Allium cepa Roots Cultivated in Crude Oil Contaminated Soil

A study was carried out to evaluate the changes in Superoxide dismutase (SOD) and Glutathione peroxidase activities (GPx) in Allium cepa roots exposed to crude oil. Crude oil used in this study was fractionated in water (ratio 1 to 2) to produce water-soluble fractions (WSF) and water insoluble fractions (WIF). Allium cepa was grown in soil treated with 2%, 5%, 10% or 20% of Whole Crude (WC), WIF or WSF for 14 days, while the control was with distilled water. Antioxidant enzyme activity was evaluated after treatment for 14days using standard protocols.

Pregnancy and Fetal Outcomes Following Metformin Use in Diabetic Rats

The female reproductive system is responsible for pregnancy and supports development of the fetus. The incidence of diabetes mellitus (DM) is increasing rapidly worldwide (Wild et al., 2000). Metformin is an oral antidiabetic drug and it seems to have properties that could be beneficial in managing reproductive complications of DM. The present study determined the effect of metformin on pregnancy and fetal outcomes in Alloxan-induced diabetic female Sprague-Dawley rats. Eighty (80) pregnant rats were divided into four groups (20 rats per group).

A Conceptual Model of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) Modification with Management Effectiveness and Program Effectiveness in Context of Telecentre

Limited access to telecommunication infrastructures has left communities in remote and rural areas in most of the developing countries at disadvantage positions in terms of accessibility to ICTs. Telecentre projects are implemented in an attempt to curtail this anomaly by providing IT facilities in shared manner. This paper attempts to put forward a conceptual Model of UTAUT Modification with Management effectiveness and Program effectiveness constructs towards user acceptance of Telecentre.

Kinematic simulation of prey perception in plankton using hydromechanical signals as a means of detection

When two planktonic microorganisms are in close proximity, the geometry of the surrounding flow field is distorted and this gives rise to hydromechanical disturbances. Copepods can sense these disturbances and utilize them to detect the presence of other microorganisms in the vicinity. In this paper we formulated a kinematic simulation model of prey detection by copepods under small scale turbulence. The results of our analysis have shown that the detection (contact) distance is a dynamic entity rather a fixed number.


Chronic toxicity study on neem, (Azadirachta indica) leaf aqueous extract in chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus)

This study on chronic toxicity of neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf aqueous extract in chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) involved daily intraperitoneal administration of graded doses: 500, 1000, and 2000 mg/kg of the extract for a period of 18 days. Clinical symptoms of ruffled feathers, weakness, anorexia, depression, and dyspnoea were observed at 20 minutes post exposure extract-dose dependent, and death intervened on day 6 post exposure.

Acute toxicity study on neem (azadirachta indica, juss) leaf aqueous extract in chicken (gallus gallus domesticus)

Acute toxicity of Azadirachta indica (neem) leaf aqueous extract was tested on chickens; and the median lethal dose (LD50) was calculated. Both clinical signs, gross lesion and microscopic lesions at post mortem were recorded.

Antagonistic activities of Paecilomyces and Rhizopus species against the cocoa black pod pathogen (Phytophthora palmivora)

Two test fungal antagonists (Paecilomyces sp. and Rhizopus stolonifer) were isolated from cocoa rhizosphere and rhizoplane while the black pod pathogen (Phytophthora palmivora) was isolated from freshly infected cocoa pods. In vitro screening using the dual culture technique was conducted to assess their potential as biological control agents against the pathogen. The results revealed that in dual cultures, the test antagonists effectively checked the growth of P. palmivora. The antagonists grew faster than the pathogen and produced zones of inhibition.


Synthesis of metal containing polymers

The remarkable growth in the applications of organic polymers in the latter half of the twentieth century can mainly be attributed to their ease of preparation, and the useful mechanical properties and unique propensity for fabrication. Polymers containing metallic elements offer a wider range of novel characteristics and provide potential access to new processible functional polymeric materials and thus, study on the synthesis and prospective applications of metallopolymers have become an area of interest to polymer chemists.


Forest conservation policy in Edo State: An assessment of roles of forestry taskforce in realising the set objectives

The study examined the roles of task force forest in conservation in Edo state with the use of data collected from both primary and secondary sources. The data were obtained through the use of well structured questionnaires administered to 90 respondents in 15 communities and forests reserved, based on sampling intensities of 50% to elicit information on activities of task force in forest conservation. Secondary data were obtained from ministry of environment and task force head office.