Production of Single Cell Protein with Three Agro-Shell Wastes Using Bacillus subtilis

In this study, Bacillus subtilis isolated from decaying pineapple fruit peel was identified by both phenotypic and molecular techniques and employed for the production of single cell protein from three agricultural wastes: melon, groundnut and walnut shells. Chemical analysis showed these agro-wastes to contain high amounts of carbohydrate which ranged from 61.26 - 65.12 %. Using submerged fermentation, maximum yield of cell biomass was produced from the groundnut shell followed by melon shell as substrate for fermentation.


Molecular Characterization of Bacteria Associated with the Spontaneous Fermentation of Bambara Nut in “Ogirri”

Fermentation is one of the oldest methods of food preservation known to man. Oil seeds and legumes have been fermented to give condiments. Molecular characterization of the bacteria associated with the spontaneous fermentation of Bambara nut (Vigna subterranea) seeds into “Ogirri” was carried out. Vigna subterranea seeds were subjected to pre-treatments of soaking and boiling and spontaneously fermented in 3 setups for a period of 96 h at 28±2 0C to yield ogirri product.

Production, Purification and Comparison of Polygalacturonase from Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger and Penicillium expansum

The research investigated the production, purification and comparison of polygalacturonase (PG) from cassava peels degrading fungi (Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger and Penicillium expansum) isolated from biodegrading cassava peels. The fungi were isolated using cassava peel agar medium and the PG was produced using the solid state fermentation process. The PG was assayed using the modified dinitrosalicyclic acid reagent method and purified by using Sephadex G-100 and Sephadex C-50.

Contrast Sensitivity and Reaction Time in Cataract Patients: A Comparative Analysis of Pre and Post Cataract Surgery

The purpose of this study was to measure and compare pre and post-operative Contrast sensitivity (CS) and Reaction Times (RTs) in cataract patients. CS provides valuable information on visual function, independent of visual acuity (VA). It represents the ability of the eye to detect a slight difference in luminance of two regions without distinct contours. This visual function or ability is affected by various disease conditions of the eye including cataract.

Corticosteroid Induced Ocular Hypertension in Feline Model and Its Effects on White Blood Cell Count

Prolong topical or systemic administration of corticosteroid produces undesirable side effects like increase intraocular pressure, lens opacities, neutrophilia, eosinopenia. This study was aimed at finding out the relationship between ocular hypertension and differential white blood cell count using corticosteroid induced ocular hypertension in feline model. A total of 5 cats were used for this study. The five cats were grouped into two (control and experimental). The control consisted of one cat while the experimental group consisted of four cats.

Evaluation of Serum Estrogen Progesterone Ratio in the Three Trimesters of Pregnancy in Wistar Rat

Estrogen and Progesterone are two major hormones of pregnancy. As soon as a spermatozoon fertilizes an ovum, hormonal changes begin in preparation for implantation and subsequent maintenance of pregnancy. The aim of the study was to determine if there are changes in Estrogen/Progesterone ratios (E/P) during pregnancy in different trimesters of pregnancy in Wistar rats. Twenty female Wistar rats were categorized into four different groups of five rats each. Group one (non-pregnant rats) served as the control.

Assessment of the Water Quality of Selected Boreholes Close to a Dumpsite in Agbor Metropolis, Delta State, Nigeria

Dumpsite utilization for municipal solid waste disposal produces leachate which is a threat to groundwater resources. The study was aimed at determining the suitability of groundwater for drinking and domestic usages using physical, chemical and microbial indices, with a view to assessing the vulnerability of boreholes close to dumpsite to groundwater pollution. The results showed that except for pH and lead, the concentrations of other physico – chemical parameters were within acceptable limits of NSDWQ and WHO.


Effect of Human Menopausal Gonadotropin on Rat Testes Damaged by Cisplatin Treatment

Cisplatin is an established chemotherapeutic substance commonly used in the treatment of cancer. This study was conducted to examine the possible counter effects of Human Menopausal Gonadotropins (HMG) against testicular toxicity induced by Cisplatin in male rats. 20 adult male rats were equally divided into four groups; A, B, C and D which were the control, Cisplatin, HMG and Cisplatin+HMG groups respectively.

Phytonutrients Composition of Sour Soup Leaves from Five States in Nigeria

This investigation was undertaken to examine the phytochemicals in the leaves of sour soup harvested from five States of Nigeria. Standard methods for the quantitative assessment of the phytochemicals were adopted in the analysis. Results obtained indicated that the phytochemicals were in varied concentrations in the leaves from each of the States. The range of the concentration of alkaloid, tannin, flavonoid, saponin, phytate, steroid, phenol and oxalate were 4.08-2.11%, 30.20-10.50%, 1.52- 0.61%, 1.66-0.69%, 0.16-0.08%, 3.80-3.20%, 3.60–3.19% and 0.26–0.24% respectively.

Effects of Ingestion of Various Cassava (Manihot utilissima) Components on Serum Testosterone Level and Testicular Morphology in Male Wistar Rats

The effect of consumption of cassava by products on the testosterone level and testicular morphology of Wistar rats was studied. The objective was to assess any changes in the testosterone level and histology of the testis. Male rats (n=28) weighing between 165g-260g were randomly assigned (n=7 each) into control group and experimental groups. Experimental groups were given the normal rat chow with inclusion of 50% cassava by product daily for 8weeks.